NOVATEL – Avviso Galileo

NOVATEL – Avviso Galileo

Galileo Service Alert

Please be advised that there is a system advisory currently in place for all Galileo users. It was issued on July 11th, 2019 and does not have specified end date.

Observed system behavior shows that the Galileo INAV and FNAV ephemeris has not been updating. During this time, NovAtel receivers will continue to track Galileo signals, but without a valid ephemeris, the signals are not included in the position solution.

Products Affected:
All NovAtel OEM6 based and OEM7 based receivers that are configured to track Galileo signals.

Once the Galileo service returns to normal and transmits ephemeris information, NovAtel receivers will revert to normal operation.

Please refer to the NAGU provided by the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency for updates:


Per maggiori informazioni contattaci:


Luglio 19, 2019/ by / in